I LOVE YOU HONEY! I hope you will have a great day today!
My honey is 46 years old today and...
it is also my son's birthday today too! It was quite a surprise when 24 years ago he was born 2 months premature! He was due on Sept. 5, which was near my birthday and he surprised us by being born early on my honey's birthday. My water bag started to leak and they could not stop the contractions when they started. So we had a newborn preemie. He was only 3 lbs and had a little breathing problem but otherwise he just needed to gain some weight so he could come home. He spent a month in the hospital. It was hard to leave him there and go home but we went to visit everyday. He is a reminder to me how good God is.
I LOVE YOU JOSH! Hope you will have a great day.
I LOVE YOU HONEY! I hope you will have a great day today!
My honey is 46 years old today and...
it is also my son's birthday today too! It was quite a surprise when 24 years ago he was born 2 months premature! He was due on Sept. 5, which was near my birthday and he surprised us by being born early on my honey's birthday. My water bag started to leak and they could not stop the contractions when they started. So we had a newborn preemie. He was only 3 lbs and had a little breathing problem but otherwise he just needed to gain some weight so he could come home. He spent a month in the hospital. It was hard to leave him there and go home but we went to visit everyday. He is a reminder to me how good God is.
I LOVE YOU JOSH! Hope you will have a great day.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
I Love my wife so much!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
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